Thursday, January 29, 2015

Remozando viejos refranes

En el país de los tuertos, al ciego le dan residencia; al que dice lo que ve, le sacan los ojos.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Official statement - January 2015

Talking to many different people about working issues here I have come to realize how deeply ingrained malicious gossip, envy and lies are in the HK working culture, to the point of being considered normal practice in many working places. No wonder psychos and bullies thrive in this city. Pitiful indeed.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Giros y anfractuosidades en HK

La vida no es una línea recta. De los giros y curvas se sacan experiencias. Y HK tiene una enrevesada forma de ideograma chino con el signo del dólar estampado encima.