Sunday, March 6, 2016

Professional statement about management of universities in Hong Kong

"Fears for Hong Kong students after fifth suicide at Chinese University since start of academic year" (taken from today's online edition of SCMP). No wonder. I witnessed a serious and prolonged case of bullying at the Department where I worked at this university; and my contract was discontinued for complaining about the abuses from the management and acting as a witness to my workmate's complaint. Besides, I have come across many people who worked at university departments in this city as administration staff and left because of peer pressure and a bad atmosphere. Somehow, university departments in this city seem to get managed very often by psychos and manipulators. No wonder kids feel uneasy under these people's management. There is a lot to improve in working ethics and education/life values at the tertiary institutions of Hong Kong to match the already very high technical and professional knowledge standards.

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